And what to share with your kids. You may have heard statements like these before… As soon as I have more money… As soon as I lose weight… As soon as I’m a little older …then I’ll go for my goal!...
Goal Setting & Decision Making
Using the 7 Types of Intelligences to Help Your Kids Discover Their Gifts
Grades, “IQ” tests, and other standardized tests have caused major debates amongst parents and the education community because many believe they don’t measure the “whole child”. Although these tests...
When Your Dream Takes A Detour
In the June issue of Success Women’s Magazine, I shared how years ago a fear of failure kept me from realizing my dream of becoming an elementary school teacher. Besides feeling like a failure, it...
Our Subconscious Can Determine Our Level of Success
Did you know that the subconscious area of our brain holds our memories, experiences, thoughts, emotions, and allows us to store and retrieve information? Like the “operating system” of a computer,...
What Type of Grownup Do You Want Your Child to Become?
I was asked this question several years ago and it was a very powerful question for me so I wanted to share it with you. Like you, I was already an engaged and connected parent; however, taking a...