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Coming Soon…
Parental rejection is an especially hurtful, cruel, and destructive type of rejection. It’s a demonic spirit that can steal your life, pushing your true identity into your subconscious, affecting your emotions, thoughts, and behavior, planting the seeds for your destruction.
A spirit of rejection often attaches itself to a person already suffering from some form of parental abuse as a child, but as an adult it still wreaks havoc. In “Written Off – How to Step Forward When Your Parents Step Back”, author Lisa Phillips tells her story of how a spirit of rejection invaded the lives of four generations of her family – including Lisa, and the trail of destruction it left. Weaved between her story are chapters that teach and exposes the nature of this malicious spirit, and how, after many years, she broke free.
If you’ve experienced parental rejection and struggle with any of these manifestations: a fear of failure, low self-esteem, feel unworthy or not good enough, pursue acceptance through performance, lack a defined identity, have anger issues, poor or estranged relationships, struggle to set goals, perfectionism, bitterness, poor boundaries, and other destructive behaviors or thinking, you may have a spirit of rejection trying to rob your life.
Find understanding, hope, and tools for healing the broken places left by parental rejection, in Written Off, so you, too can move forward when parents step back.
Now Available!
Faith Steps for Military Families: Spiritual Readiness Through the Psalms of Ascent explores the themes of the fifteen Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) in the book of Psalms in the Bible. These special psalms, packed full of rich and descriptive metaphors reveal common military themes such as traveling to or living in unfriendly environments, enduring dry and sometimes desperate times, mastering restlessness and dissatisfaction in a complex lifestyle, coping with unforeseen conditions, fear, lack of unity, and other topics.